Add the following entries to 'suffix mapping' preferences:
suffix type creator name transfer as...
.gz Gzip Gzip gziped binary
.tgz Gzip Gzip tar.gz binary
.Z ZIVU Gzip compressed binary
.zip pZIP Gzip pkziped binary
Or use the suffix mapping included with MacGzip
(I'm not a Zterm user, so I'm not sure about this point)
Add strings (using ResEdit or similar) to resources 'STR# 335' and 'STR# 330'
For gzip files: 1GzipGzip.gz
(Read ZTerm documentation for more information)
Peter Lewis' Anarchie 1.6 & FTPd 3.0
They use Internet Config
XferIt 1.5
The "Guess" transfer type in XferIt is used to automatically set the transfer type depending on the extension of the file being transferred. The guess mode is useful particularly for receiving of directory trees. The default mappings are listed here:
These mappings are located in 'STR#' resources 128-131 in the XferIt application. You can add additional mappings simply by adding additional strings to the four resources.
Binary: ╔, .tgz, .taz, .gz, .Z
Columbia AppleTalk Package
.Z Raw 'Gzip' 'ZIVU' "Unix Compress File"
.gz Raw 'Gzip' 'Gzip' "Unix Gzip File"
.taz Raw 'Gzip' 'ZIVU' "Unix Tar.Z Archive"
.tgz Raw 'Gzip' 'Gzip' "Unix GTar Archive"
.z Raw 'Gzip' 'Gzip' "Unix Old Gzip File"
to your aufs afpfile. (If after that you can't mount the volume, maybe you
should recompile aufs with a larger suffix table. Default is 32 suffixes, you can
change NUMUFT in applications/aufs/afpudb.h. I have set it to 512 and it works fine)